My Big Sis's Bday

Today is my sister's bday! The big 43! So i thought i would do a blog shout out! Even though we live thousands of miles apart and are 9 years age difference, she is one of the first people i call with either really great or really sad news. She has helped me thru alot! Sad thing is i realize that the latest picture i have of us together was my wedding.

(yes i am going to do the cheesy word for each letter of her name) 

Dependable! No matter what i am going thru i can always count on her to walk it with me. I cannot remember a time that i have needed her and she wasn't there. I know her kids and husband feel the same way. 

Enjoyable! I like being around her. We talk about anything and everything and always find something to laugh about. 

Bright. She reads and reads and reads and knows about most things a mom/person needs to know. This is one of the reasons i call her cause i dont' read loads of books, i just ask her. 

Beautiful! Inside and out! She is a beauty! :) 

Indispensable to her family. Don't know where they would be without her! To her mom and me! We all need her!

Exactly what i need! My sister! 

Thanks for all the many times you have helped me and encouraged me...hopefully i do the same in a small way for you! 



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