
Maybe my parents should have named me Patience, maybe that would have made more since in my life. Especially now with our dream home. We were not in a HUGE hurry but we had our time line in our minds. We are coming to the end of said time line and it seems like everything kept going wrong and now we wait.

I don't really want to share all that has happened as of yet....cause i think i  might cry again :)

Do you ever watch those HGTV shows about renovations like Love it or List it, and the Property Brothers? Do you ever laugh at the ladies as they get all emotional and bent out of shape because of one SMALL thing that they can't have or went wrong? Yea me to...before our building process.  It is super stressful and you take it personal when they look at you and say we can't do this or that.
With each cut back i am thinking "oh no they are not taking my hardwood floor!" Oh yes they did when they took more out of our budget.

Well now we wait for some paper work that the county has to file in order for our builders to break ground. So we wait with lumber on our property. We wait with our windows and front door leaning up against a tree. We wait while people in an office either sign it or don't. We wait while someone finally files it and gives the builder a call for the go ahead.

Waiting is hard. Waiting can be boring. Waiting can be exhausting. Yet waiting can be beautiful!

I know there is a lot that i am learning about myself and God. He is so patient! Can you imagine knowing that you are going to save all of your children from a corrupt earth to be with you in paradise and yet you have a perfect time and you wait....patiently you wait...because you know who is going to choose you if you just wait a little bit more. 

Thank you God for being so patient! Thank you for helping us through this adventure. I promise to be less angry and annoyed :) 


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