Muddy boots

We have been in our house for about two months now and its feeling like home. I wondered how i would do moving from the suburbs to small town Texas.  Kimmel always said that once i gave birth in Texas i would be a texan, but i don't agree. I will say that our land and house now makes me feel a bit more texan and the fact that i own a pair of boots after a decade of living here. I'm still and east coast girl at heart.

The week of july me and the boys moved in we got 11 inches of rain and we were worried that kimmel wouldn't be able to get us home from the airport. Thankfully we made it.  Our front stoop was muddy for days. I just got it all nice and clean and we had rain again this past weekend, back to muddy ugliness. We live off a country dirt road and we don't have any gravel or paved driveway. Therefore when it rains of any kind of substance its a muddy mess.

I don't think i am a girlie girl. I kill bugs, while screaming, i don't wear makeup cause it takes time, love the outdoors, and pretty good with dirt and sweat and animals. Living out here has really challenged me with this. The spiders out here are HUGE!! no exaggeration! i mean like baseball size. Wasps like to hide in our barn and we have coyotes that live around us and can be seen at night or early morning.  The first couple times i would scream due to one of these Kimmel would laugh and say you better get used to that! So i am learning to adjust and have learned a couple things to succeed in the country.

-Living on a dirt road means you go mudding anytime you go anywhere. Kind of nerve racking but kind of fun. Hoping i don't get stuck is a new reality
-Chiggers are more common than flies and oh my do they leave a mark on my skin! Grrr and its so maddening that they bite you and like two days later you see the bite...and the itchiness!
-Wearing flip flops is not an option any more cause they let the chiggers stay close to you. I really think i doubled my chigger bites one morning by doing this cause i was determined to be myself and wear my flip-flops....while going to the car, feeding the dog and putting the kids in the car...epic itchy fail and never again. So therefore...
-Boots are worn everywhere on the land to get to the barn, sandbox, and car.
-Plastic bag for muddy boots in your car while you put the shoes that go with your outfit!

So having loads of bug spray and boots with jeans tucked in will help combat the chiggers and bugs. Keeping the mud out of the house is another problem. That one i take on with a broom and vacuum.

If you grew up or live in the country and have some advice go ahead...I'm listening!


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