The home strech

We can see the finish line for baby Jack. We have a date set for c section- August 11.  My bag has been packed for a couple weeks and i have t-shirts for the boys. Countdown has begun!

I guess you know its bad when a lady in the stores asks you 'how much longer' and actually says bless your heart to your face. I definitely am bigger than either of the other two pregnancies, but i must have looked really uncomfortable to her. She told me about her 4 girls and a little about her births. It was kind of silly listening and yet also endearing. I had a flash to me in 20 years seeing a young girl about to pop and knowing what she will go thru. All the joy tears sweat and pain. How much of life is about to begin. So i listened and thanked her for sharing.

Its been a great pregnancy and the summer has been pretty mild, for these things i am thankful. I can't describe the tiredness i feel everyday though...and i am trying really hard to enjoy each day and moment with Shepherd and Asher. Don't want to wish away these days with them.

Since all of the rain we had our lake/beach front is underwater so i haven't been able to go to my happy place at all. We have a small splash pad that we take the boys to and thats fun. Mostly we get in the blow up pool kimmel's parents brought over for July 4th. Its the coolest way i can tolerate the afternoons. Again trying to not neglect hanging out with my boys.

We have moved beds around, giving Shepherd a loft bed and Asher the toddler bed. Shepherd loves his bed and we had no problems there, but asher wasn't too keen on the toddler bed idea. He just wanted to get out and play, bang on the door and yell for momma.  So since he and jack are sharing the room as of now he still goes in the crib cause i just don't have the patience to train him. Sad i know. I think he will get it right?

The week after Jack comes Kimmel goes back to school. The summer will be gone and so will he back to two jobs and long days. I can't believe we are this close.  We are excited to add our new little family member. Hope you and your loved ones are staying cool!


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