
Sitting in the grass of our back yard after my dad's funeral in September of '89, I remember feeling great comfort and words from God. He said I will be your provider and earthly dad. 

Psalm 68:5-6a A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families. 

Years passed. I finished high school and headed off to college in '96. I got involved in a local small church and instantly connected with Karen the pastor's wife. Her husband Rick was the first man I remember being like a father in helping me make decisions, talk through big life questions and just be silly with. This family was so essential in my life. Even part of the reason I headed out to Texas for grad school, at Southwestern Baptist. 

Big move to Texas alone at 21 was scary. I remember crying in a professors office, first week of school, after he asked me if I was doing ok. It surprised me and him! lol My roommate said she wanted to check out a church the next Sunday and I should come with her. So I did and found my next home. Here I signed up to volunteer with the youth and met Christin. She opened her heart and her family to me. 

Her dad became my second father figure! He showed me what it is to adore your wife and kids. He spent a long evening with me at the Honda dealer to purchase my first car after a long day of work! He is a model of patience, long-lasting love, tender heartedness and a protector. 

Both of these men made special effort to make my wedding special. I remember receiving a call from Rick and Karen (in VA, me inTX) to say how happy he was for me and that he wished he could be there. Kyle and his wife Renee drove the 6 hour drive to make it and give me a sweet handkerchief and pray with me before I walk down the isle. Those things are tucked away into my heart in the hole they filled in a BIG way! I don't know if they know or not but GOD DOES! 

I may have lost my birth dad at a young age, but God promised he'd provide for me. Whether that was through these two men or just him doing miracles in my life, he never let me down. I am so thankful!

My sweet husband is an amazing dad. Not only just the fun stuff but the hard stuff too. I remember him saying " I love you son" to shepherd when he was barely a year old. He says it almost daily to our boys. He says I don't ever want them to doubt it or forget it. 

What a beautiful reflection of God! Every day we wake to a beautiful sun rise, God saying hello y'all I love you! Through out the day we have weather that makes the grass and trees grow, God saying hello look I'm taking care of this with you. Sweet whispers to our souls (we often miss) God sayin Hey I love you son or daughter! Sit with me awhile. 

Hope you are sitting with your Father today! Hope you are showering him with love and affection. If this is a painful day for you please know that God is sitting there with you and wants to shower his love and affection on you! Just say "I'm here Lord!" and listen. 


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