
So when I thought I would start this blog back up I had no clue how strange it would feel to start it all again. Didn't think I would have a lot of voices in my head making me hesitate. It also is at a time when lots of voices are being shared and criticized on all forms of social media, it can be crippling. I have probably written three or four different posts and haven't shared any yet. Pictures are always so much easier for me. I am not good with words. I say the wrong thing too often. 

I feel like I have to do a post and rip the bandaid off to get back into the swing of it. So here is a post about me feeling insecure about starting this journey back up. 

This verse, Joshua 1:9,  has been an encouragement for me a couple big times in my life. I remember when I was feeling the nudge to leave a job for another, this was the verse God laid on my heart and gave me the strength I needed to take the plunge. 

When I saw this sign at Hobby Lobby I had to get it for our boys! I put it in the boys room cause I want them to know this from a young age! That God is with them wherever they go. Whatever you are walking through and he never leaves. 

I hope this gives you, the reader, some comfort, to know that God, the creator knows who you are, loves you and is always with you wherever you go! 


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