Upwards Basketball

This year we signed Asher and Shepherd up for UPWARDS basketball! Thanks to a friend who remembered a conversation we had months ago about sports activities, she let me know and we joined quick! They both love it!! I was sad that Jack couldn't join in the fun but it is based on grade level not age, so next year! Although he says he wants to do soccer or football not basketball. LOL This is a great starting place. 

For those who don't know Upwards sports is a church program that teaches kids a sport and sprinkles Jesus in there. I am sure there is some official definition that I'm butchering, but I think you get it. Asher's age, K-2nd, doesn't keep score, or infractions.  So its rather cute watching all these kids double dribble, walk, and look at their parents for help. They play half court and rotate all players through the five 6 min 'quarter'. Shepherds age 3-5 plays full court and all the rules! 

These last two months have been exciting and challenging. We try really hard to teach each brother to watch the other brother play and cheer him on. No phone or switch. For jack that is really difficult but we power through it. His little yell is so cute, 'Go Sheppy, Go sheppy, Go" and then in 5 mins he is laying on the floor or running to the water fountain cause he is soooo thirsty.  Such a busy lil man! 

Asher's team name was Thundering Cobras and Shepherd was the Dribbling Dragons! We love how they make a big deal with each team entrance. They play music and announce each player with a nick name. So we had, Asher the Awesome Kimmel, and Shepherd Mow-hawk Kimmel.


My nieces and nephews played upwards, and I remember other churches doing upwards but was never apart of it myself. We were definitely pleased with the whole experience! Excited to sign up next year!


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