credit card trauma

sometimes i wish i lived in the time when you paid for something with something if i wanted bread i would give the baker/bread maker some flowers or whatever i had that he know like paying with chickens or ducks or even small children...i kid i kid...i just got real irritated this evening/morning dealing with a credit card company...not saying names but david spade seems to like them...i thought i had closed the account a year ago when i consolidated like three i had open onto one witn 0% apr you know...and i did not know that this magazine subscription co. had that card on file and just renewed a subscription in june! which i did not know! so i am trying to purchase a town house now and go to see if can get approved for a loan and i am just going thru making sure all my cards are closed an what not...go on line to this cc and find that i have past due fees for the past two months....i am shocked and appaulled b/c this was closed...well long story a little shorter...after talking to 3 workers none of them could help me at all i asked for just one cancelation of the fee not like both months... but i guess they are the company on the comercial always saying no!
i type all this b/c i get frustrated with money...i am paid well...i am not complaining...i am upset that for some reason no matter how hard i try to be good with my money i get something freaky like this happen you know...either i have a hard time making my ends meet or there is something stupid that takes what i do have!!! can you feel me or am i moron!


Kyle Nieman said…
In sociology the other day we saw a documentary thing about Credit Cards, and those guys are real B-words, they hate people who pay off their cards on time and watch them closely for when they slip up and slam them with "fees" and "charges" aka: their paycheck bonus! And did you know that if you split the debt of america up and give an equal portion to each man, woman and child in the US that each person would owe over $8000....sad...I hate credit card companies....may they fry in eternal damnation
this exact thing is why i don't have or use credit cards. i pay for everything in cash. if i can't pay cash for something then I obviously don't need it. period. no ifs/ands or buts about it. it sucks sometimes but everything I have I've paid cash for. that's my way of saying "screw you Mr. credit card company!"

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